General and Contact Information:
Your Name:
Day Phone #:
Evening #:
Best Time to Call:
Email :
Zip Code:
Your Relation to the Alcoholic/Addict:
If Other Please Specify:
Alcoholics/Addicts Name:
City and State in which they live:
Can they travel outside of this area for treatment? yes no
How old is the addict ?
A). Substance Abuse History:
Current drug (s) their using:
At what age did the individual start using the substance?
Different drugs used:
Method of use:
Oral IV-(inject) inhale(smoke) nasal(snort) Other B). Family History:
Past treatment attempts (What rehab, when, results:
Does anyone in the alcoholics/addicts immediate (blood) family have/or had a substance abuse problem? yes no
Any losses (death) or departures (divorce-separations) from the family institution?
Ethnic/cultural background:
C). Social History
(Alaskan or Indian)Euro-American
Marital status:
Any children? yes no
who has parenting responsibilities?
Has the individual enjoyed any social activities in the past? (if yes, specify)
Has there been a gradual shift to non-involvement in those activities? (if yes, when)
D). Legal History:
Has the individuals peer structure changed? yes no
Does the individual have a valid drivers license? yes no
Has the individual ever been arrested? (If so, for what)
E). Educational History:
Are any crimes actively being committed to support, or as a result of the alcoholism or addiction?
Highest grade completed in grade school :
Vocational Tech? yes no
F). Occupational History
Any desire or plan of continued or future education?
How Long?
Is this the individuals chosen occupation? yes no
If no what is?
G). Medical History:
Has the individual ever been terminated as a result of substance abuse? yes no
Does the individual have any medical problems? (Please describe)
Is the individual currently taking any medications? yes no
If yes, please specify what and length of use:
H). Psychological and Behavioral History:
Has the individual ever been diagnosed and treated for any psychological or emotional problems? yes no
If yes, please specify what and when and outpatient or inpatient;
Was the individual prescribed medication for any psychological/emotional problem ? yes no
If yes, please list what drugs where prescribed and length of use:
On a Scale of 1-10, with 10 representing extreme urgency, and 1 representing information for later use. Please assign a number to this request :
Additional Information or Comments
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