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Category: Teen Help:

Title: Teens Drug Rehab Center 
Description : Reviewed Drug Rehab Center for troubled teens. Help for parents and families to make struggling teens future. Search for Drug Rehab Center and help your children and youths.

Category: Healthcare

Title: Hospital and Healthcare Conferences / Exhibitions.
Hospital and healthcare conferences, exhibitions and events.


Title:  Enhanced Healing Through Music
Description:  Relaxation music, positive affirmations and online counseling
for reducing stress and anxiety, promoting health, wellness and healing and
improving self-esteem.

info@guruwellness.com web site dedicated to offering services and support to bring about healing.

A web site dedicated to offering services and support to bring about healing. We offer homeopathy; emotional and physical iridology to reveal the source of the break down; soul recovery journey ; a pilgrimage healing trip to a sacred destination; monthly presentations; newsletter offering healthy recipes; and a candida self help group.


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Delicious diet snacks, bars, weight loss supplements, meal replacements and more you'll love. As always, our weight loss help is free. Weight loss should be this good and this easy.


www.wellnessguru.com A web site dedicated to educating and informing individuals in the coaching process.


A web site dedicated to educating and informing individuals in the coaching process. We offer coaching for sales executives, corporate executives, teams, life situations and financial dilemmas. Coaching is a structured process-driven relationship between a trained professional coach and an individual or team that includes assessments, setting goals and removing blocks


Drug rehab help line. Free service in helping you find treatment options 
that will work.

Heroin addiction treatment
Heroin information as well as help to locate detox and treatment                        

Cocaine addiction treatment
Cocaine information as well as help to locate treatment for Cocaine addiction


www.guruwellness.com A web site dedicated to offering services and support to bring about healing.


A web site dedicated to offering services and support to bring about healing. We offer homeopathy; emotional and physical iridology to reveal the source of the break down; soul recovery journey ; a pilgrimage healing trip to a sacred destination; monthly presentations; newsletter offering healthy recipes; and a candida self help group.




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Breaking news on health topics for your family, finances, lifestyle, and business provided by applesforhealth.com, a healthy knowledge source.


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Find Holistic Health, Alternative Medicine, Light worker Practitioners for Healing! Free Submissions! Acupuncture, Doctors, Herbs, Massage, Psychics, Reflexology, Reiki, Spirituality, Yoga and More!


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Fitness Software by BODYFITdb. If fitness training and nutrition are important to you, you'll love BODYFITdb...Sophisticated yet easy-to-use fitness, health and nutrition software. Download a free 30 day trial version today!


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Compare prices on Ionamin prescription weight loss diet pills and purchase them from various online pharmacies.


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Offers following Indian Religious Items: Aluminium Photo Lockets, Conches, Crystal Ganeshas, Crystal Malas, Crystal Merus, Crystal Shiva Lingas, Enamel Photos, Gomati Shilas, Gopi Chandan, Incense Sti


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Chinese Herbs for COLD & FLU 2 Amazing Chinese Herbal Products Chinese Herb IMMUNE BOOSTER INTRODUCING Jade Shield Chinese Herbs for Hair Loss Chinese Herbs for MENOPAUSE NO HORMONES Two Immortals Al

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Barefoot Coral Calcium Supreme Plus, Coral Calcium Daily and Calcium Factor Plus as seen on TV. BarleyGreen, SeaSilver, Juice Plus, organic coffee, aloe, Barley Green, Juice Plus, Sea Silver and RadBlock KI Postassium Iodide tablets.



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 Manage Subscriptions Support the Drug Policy Alliance's work to promote drug policies based on science, compassion, health, and human rights.  Get Involved Ecstasy is a:   Harmful club drug   Re


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Clinical hypnotherapist and counsellor eating disorders, irritable bowel syndrome, IBS, Weight loss, Stop smoking

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Providing family intervention services for, drug abuse, alcohol addiction, gambling, and eating disorders

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Gift from Within is an international, non-profit organization dedicated to those who suffer post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), those at risk for PTSD, and those who care for traumatized individuals; deve

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Learn about St. John's wort, echinacea, ginseng, saw palmetto, kava kava, valerian root and hundreds of other traditional herbal remedies.

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Stop Smoking Inpatient Treatment & Professional Training for Nicotine Addiction, including Smokeless Chewing Tobacco & Emotional Stress, by David C. Jones, Nicotine Addiction Specialist, WPB Florida.

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Title:- Parent Resources

Description:- Offering guidance, advice, resources, and options to parents
seeking help for adolescent and teen ADD, ADHD,
bipolar disorder, conduct disorder, oppositional defiant disorder, suicide,
substance abuse, depression, eating
disorders, etc.


Title:- Partners in Parenting

Description:- Offering guidance, advice, resources, and options to parents
seeking help for adolescent ADD, ADHD,
bipolar disorder, conduct disorder, oppositional defiant disorder, suicide,
substance abuse, depression, eating
disorders, etc.


Title:- Military Schools Resource Center

Description:- Offering guidance, advice, resources, and options to parents
seeking help for adolescent ADD, ADHD,
bipolar disorder, conduct disorder, oppositional defiant disorder, suicide,
substance abuse, depression, eating
disorders, etc.


Title:- Boarding Schools Resource Center

Description:- Offering guidance, advice, resources, and options to parents
seeking help for adolescent ADD, ADHD,
bipolar disorder, conduct disorder, oppositional defiant disorder, suicide,
substance abuse, depression, eating
disorders, etc.


Title:- Bootcamps Resource Center

Description:- Offering guidance, advice, resources, and options to parents
seeking help for adolescent ADD, ADHD,
bipolar disorder, conduct disorder, oppositional defiant disorder, suicide,
substance abuse, depression, eating
disorders, etc.


Title:- Top Flight Academy

Description:- Top Flight is a boarding school treatment program for troubled
teens. Top Flight Academy
specializes in treating teens dealing with bipolar disorder, ADD, ADHD,
substance abuse, oppositional defiant
disorder, teen depression, anger management, teen suicide, and a variety of
other issues.


Title:- Insight Pros

Description:- Parenting Relationships and Troubled Teens - Teen Pregnancy,
Suicide, Bulimia, anorexia treatment,
anxiety attack, panic attack, bipolar, addiction, obsessive compulsive
disorder, etc.

Title:- A Teen Quiz
Description:- Online community bringing teens together to share and offer
insight into issues that face teens today.

Title: Rx Care Canada Pharmacy
Description: Rx Care Canada is a Canadian Pharmacy serving American
and Worldwide customers. We attempt to bring you the best prices and
 a safe, reliable and expedient service. At our Canadian Pharmacy, Rx
 Care Canada, we care about you and your personal and financial
 health. Our customer service representatives are always available to
answer questions regarding the status of your order. 

Title: Enhanced Healing Through Relaxation Music
Description: Relaxation music, positive affirmations and online
counseling for reducing stress and anxiety, promoting health,
wellness and healing and improving self esteem.

High Cholesterol, Low Cholesterol Diet & LDL Cholesterol</a>
Cholesterol.realage.com provides information about high cholesterol and
useful guidelines on maintaining a healthy cholesterol level.

Type 2 Diabetes Treatment, Diabetes Diet</a>
Diabetes.realage.com offers valuable information regarding type 2
diabetes, diabetes treatment and various diabetes diet management

Lower Back Pain, Low Back Pain Relief</a>
Backpain.realage.com offers valuable information regarding the causes for
lower back pain and steps for low back pain relief.

Rheumatoid Arthritis Symptoms, Arthritis Symptoms</a>
Rheumatoidarthritis.realage.com offers valuable information regarding
rheumatoid arthritis symptoms and steps for rheumatoid arthritis relief.

Osteoarthritis, Joint Pain & Arthritis Relief</a>
Arthritis.realage.com offers valuable information regarding
osteoarthritis, joint pain, and medically proven steps for arthritis

Drug Test Kit – Hair & Marijuana</a>
TestCountry.com offers an affordable drug test kit for: hair – marijuana
test, pregnancy test, and HIV drug testing.

Wobenzym N with Bromelain - Arthritis Relief & Arthritis Treatment</a>
Naturally Vitamins offers Wobenzym N with bromelain, which is commonly
used as an arthritis treatment to provide arthritis relief and
fibromyalgia relief.

 Tarzana Treatment Centers
sitedesc: Medical detoxification, residential rehabilitation, outpatient, youth, sober living, prevention, mental health, HIV/AIDS, drug abuse education, family medical clinic, women and children, family counseling, and domestic violence in Los Angeles County.

General Information:
Health Risk Assessment & Health Assessment
Description: Scripps health center offers executive health risk assessments
and other health assessment services.


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 These web site links are listed as a convenience to our visitors. If you use these links, we take no responsibility and give no guarantees, warranties or representations, implied or otherwise, for the   content or accuracy of these third-party sites.

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