usually do not know they are out of control.
Alcohol is one of the most sinister of drugs that
draws a thin, usually imperceptible line between
social use and addictive use. People often do not
know when they have become addicted to alcohol -
when casual drinking turns to dependency drinking
and finally to biochemically-controlled drinking.
Indeed, alcohol addicts often rely on alcohol as a
crucial component of their personality - without a
drink, they simply cannot be themselves.
Family members often try to protect an alcoholic
from the results of his behavior by making excuses
to others about his alcoholism and by getting him
out of drug-related jams. It is important to stop
all such rescue attempts immediately, so that the
alcoholic will fully experience the harmful effects
of his use and thereby become more motivated to
Alcohol is a sedative hypnotic. It is a powerful
drug available to virtually anyone who wants to try
it. It is estimated that 14 million people in the
United States -- 1 in every 13 adults -- abuse
alcohol or are alcoholic.
Alcoholism is also known as "alcohol
dependence." It is a disease that includes
alcohol craving and continued drinking despite
repeated alcohol-related problems, such as losing a
job or getting into trouble with the law.
Symptoms of alcohol withdrawal include sweating,
rapid pulse, increased hand tremors, insomnia,
nausea or vomiting, physical agitation, anxiety,
auditory hallucinations, and the possibility of
grand mal seizures. These physical and emotional
symptoms may be extremely severe depending on the
individual's alcohol abuse history.
Alcoholism is also known as "alcohol
dependence." It is a disease that includes
alcohol craving and continued drinking despite
repeated alcohol-related problems, such as losing a
job or getting into trouble with the law. Alcoholism
includes four symptoms:
strong need, or compulsion, to drink.
Impaired control--The
inability to limit one's drinking on any given
Physical dependence--Withdrawal
symptoms, such as nausea, sweating, shakiness, and
anxiety, when alcohol use is stopped after a period
of heavy drinking.
need for increasing amounts of alcohol in order to
feel its effects.
When a person is known to have consumed large
quantities of alcohol in a short period of time and
Person is unconscious and cannot be woken.
Person has cold, clammy unusually pale or bluish
Person is breathing slowly or irregularly -
usually this means less than 8 times a minute or 10
seconds or more between any two breaths.
Person vomits while passed out and does not wake
up during or after.
The more heavily you drink, the greater the
potential for problems at home, at work, with
friends, and even with strangers. These problems may
Arguments with or separation from your spouse and
other family members;
Strained relationships with coworkers;
Absence from or lateness to work with increasing
Loss of employment due to decreased productivity;
Committing or being the victim of violence.
Drinking alcohol while you are pregnant
can cause a range of birth defects, and children
exposed to alcohol before birth can have lifelong
learning and behavioral problems. The most serious
problem that can be caused by drinking during
pregnancy is fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS). Children
born with FAS have severe physical, mental,
and behavioral problems. Because scientists do not
know exactly how much alcohol it takes to cause
alcohol-related birth defects, it is best not to
drink any alcohol during this time.
Because alcohol affects nearly every organ in the
body, long-term heavy drinking increases the risk
for many serious health problems, some of which are
described below. Women may develop alcohol-related
health problems sooner than men, and from drinking
less alcohol than men. Health problems often develop
gradually and may become evident only after many
years of heavy drinking such as:
Heart disease:
Heavy drinking over a long period of time increases
the risk for heart disease, high blood pressure, and
some kinds of stroke.
Long-term heavy drinking increases the risk of
certain forms of cancer, especially cancer of the
esophagus, mouth, throat, and larynx (voice box).
Research suggests that, in some women, as little as
one drink per day can slightly raise the risk of
breast cancer. Drinking may also increase the risk
for developing cancer of the colon and rectum.
Pancreatitis: The
pancreas helps regulate the body’s blood sugar
levels by producing insulin. The pancreas also has a
role in digesting the food we eat. Long-term heavy
drinking can lead to pancreatitis, or inflammation
of the pancreas. Acute pancreatitis can cause severe
abdominal pain and can be fatal. Chronic
pancreatitis is associated with chronic pain,
diarrhea, and weight loss.
Abuse of alcohol can cause damage to many of the
body's organs. Researchers report damage to brain
tissue, heart muscle, and reproductive organs in
both males and females. Alcohol may cause the
drinker's blood pressure to rise, putting him or her
at risk for heart attack and stroke. Stomach ulcers,
poor nutrition and sexual dysfunction have all been
related to alcohol abuse.
Alcohol is a Drug...
Alcohol is a depressant, which slows down
thinking and actions. It acts on the brain and
affects all parts of the body. An average-size
person's liver can break down about one drink per
hour; the rest of the alcohol circulates throughout
the body, affecting behavior, judgment, perception,
and motor skills - such as driving and operating
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