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    Teenagers and Drugs

    Teens and Drugs 
Use, Abuse, Addiction, and Treatment

Facts about Teens and Drugs
Forty percent of U.S. teens claim they expect to use drugs at some point in the future.

One out of every five eighth graders has already tried marijuana. 

The use of marijuana, inhalants and other similar substances can easily result in social consequences at school, at home, and out in the real world. 

Use of substances such as marijuana and inhalants can result in physical consequences such as reduced energy, strength, stamina and fitness, and damage can be done to the lungs and brain. 

Teens who smoke cigarettes are more likely to drink alcohol. 
Teens that smoke and drink are more likely to use marijuana. 
Teens that use all three are more likely to use other illicit drugs. 

Long-term studies show that use of other illicit drugs among youth almost never occurs unless they have first used marijuana. 

Interesting facts, but it's only part of the picture when it comes to teens and drugs. The consequences of teen drug use, teen drug abuse, and the teen drug addiction that it can lead to can affect those involved for a life time. The need for professional teen drug treatment has never been greater.

If you are a teen involved in drug use, or know someone that is, or a parent,  let  
US  help today!

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 In a Times article it was reported that 1 out of 10 people, in the age group 20 to 35, are addicted to some type of drug or alcohol. Drug and alcohol abuse is seeing a rapid growth in the US and in Canada.



  Detroit, Chicago,    L.A. New York, Montreal, Quebec, Vancouver and Seattle just to name a few are losing the war on drug and alcohol abuse. ---

  There are more and more people looking and finding help on the internet. DRUG FREE AT LAST is one of the most effective web sites . It's purpose is to help families and addicts alike find the right rehab program and faculty. DRUG FREE AT LAST has helped hundreds of people find peace of mind and help during those trying times.


  We do understand your dilemma we have been there. Just click on the state of your choosing and fill out the form and within 24 hours one of our counselors will contact you and help you save your loved one.

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