What is PCP?
PCP (phencyclidine) is most often called "angel
dust." It was first developed as an anesthetic
in the 1950s. However, it was taken off the market
for human use because it sometimes caused
PCP should never be
used by human beings for any reason. It is mentally
damaging and can cause a separation from reality,
like a psychotic condition. PCP can put the user in
a dream-like or nightmare condition. The PCP effects
on the user can be misleading. Some PCP users have
become very violent, acting with intense amounts of
energy. Later they are sometimes unaware of their
violence. PCP can make a person experience
nightmares while the are standing up with their eyes
opened and even talking to someone. The PCP user can
see very upsetting and disturbing pictures they
believe to be happening right there and then. The
user can believe they are being attacked.
Tragically, PCP is also a pain killer and the user
can badly injure themselves without
"feeling" it.
PCP can produce
violent or bizarre behavior in people who are not
normally that way. This behavior can lead to death
from drownings, burns, falls (sometimes from high
places), and automobile accidents. Regular PCP use
affects memory, perception, concentration, and
judgment. Users may show signs of paranoia,
fearfulness, and anxiety. During these times, some
users may become aggressive while others may
withdraw and have difficulty communicating. A
temporary mental disturbance, or a disturbance of
the user's thought processes (a PCP psychosis) may
last for days or weeks. Long-term PCP users report
memory and speech difficulties, as well as hearing
voices or sounds which do not exist.
PCP is available in
a number of forms. It can be a pure, white
crystal-like powder, or a tablet or capsule. It can
be swallowed, smoked, sniffed, or injected. PCP is
sometimes sprinkled on marijuana or parsley and
Although PCP is illegal, it is easily
manufactured. It is often sold as mescaline, THC, or
other drugs. Sometimes it may not even be PCP, but a
lethal by-product of the drug. Users can never be
sure what they are buying since it is manufactured
The effects of PCP depend on how much is taken,
the way it is used and the individual. Effects
include increased heart rate and blood pressure,
flushing, sweating, dizziness, and numbness. When
large doses are taken, effects include drowsiness,
convulsions, and coma. Taking large amounts of PCP
can also cause death from repeated convulsions,
heart and lung failure, or ruptured blood vessels in
the brain.
The drug's effects are as varied as its
appearance. A moderate amount of PCP often causes
the user to feel detached, distant and estranged
from his surroundings. Numbness, slurred speech and
loss of coordination may be accompanied by a sense
of strength and invulnerability. A blank stare,
rapid and involuntary eye movements, and an
exaggerated gait are among the more observable
effects. Auditory hallucinations, image distortion,
severe mood disorders, and amnesia may also occur.
In some users, PCP may cause acute anxiety and a
feeling of impending doom, in others paranoia and
violent hostility, and in some it may produce a
psychoses indistinguishable from schizophrenia. PCP
use is associated with a number of risks and many
believe it to be one of the most dangerous drugs of
This condition can be retriggered later in life
by stress and heat from exercise. PCP effects are
therefore long term as well. The long term effects
of PCP are directly related to its chemical nature.
The byproducts of the drug in the body are stored in
fatty cells and other tissues. These byproducts can
retrigger years after when the person least expects
it. The nightmare can return. PCP effects are best
handled by a total detoxification of the body's fat
cells. Drug users or drug addicts who have used PCP
should really plan a way to get themselves
detoxified from the long term effects of PCP in a
safe and relatively fast manner.
Angel Dust, Supergrass, Killer Weed, Embalming
Fluid, Rocket Fuel, Hog, Wack, Squeeze, Water, Dust,
Oxone, Zoot, Peace Pill, wet, water, amp, hydro,
sherm, love boat, haze, dank, and kapow. Killer
Joints, and Crystal Supergrass are names for the
combination of marijuana laced with PCP. PCP is
known as Space Base when mixed with Crack.
Cigarettes or joints are often dipped in PCP and
smoked: "smoking wet","wetting it
Mixing a combination of embalming fluid, tobacco,
marijuana, mint leaves and PCP which causes numbness, dizziness, blurred vision, distorted sense
of place or time, fits of rage/violent behavior,
paranoia, may lead to schizophrenia
dust, fry, illy, wet
on your State or Province
