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Signs of Hallucinogen Abuse
Extremely dilated pupils.
Warm skin, excessive perspiration and body odor.
Distorted sense of sight, hearing, touch; distorted image of self and time perception.
Mood and behavior changes, the extent depending on emotional state of the user and environmental conditions
Unpredictable flashback episodes even long after withdrawal (although these are rare).
Hallucinogenic drugs, which occur both naturally and in synthetic form, distort or disturb sensory input, sometimes to a great degree. Hallucinogens occur naturally in primarily two forms,
Hallucinogen usage reached a peak in the United States in the late 1960's, but declined shortly thereafter due to a broader awareness of the detrimental effects of usage. However, a disturbing trend indicating a resurgence in hallucinogen usage by high-school and college age persons nationwide has been acknowledged by law enforcement.
All hallucinogens seem to share common effects of use. Any portion of sensory perceptions may be altered to varying degrees. Synesthesia, or the "seeing" of sounds, and the "hearing" of colors, is a common side effect of hallucinogen use. Depersonalization, acute anxiety, and acute depression resulting in suicide have also been noted as a result of hallucinogen use
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In a Times article it was
reported that 1 out of 10 people, in the age group 20 to 35,
are addicted to some type
of drug or alcohol. Drug and alcohol abuse is seeing a rapid
growth in the US and in Canada.
Chicago, L.A. New York, Montreal, Quebec, Vancouver and Seattle
just to name a few are losing the war on drug and alcohol abuse.
There are more and more
people looking and finding help on the internet. DRUG FREE AT
LAST is one of the
most effective web sites . It's purpose is to help families and
addicts alike find the right rehab
program and faculty. DRUG FREE AT LAST has helped hundreds of
people find peace of mind and help during those
trying times.
We do
understand your dilemma we have been there. Just click on
the state of your choosing and fill out the form and
within 24 hours one of our counselors will contact you and
help you save your loved one.